Charles W. Foor Guadalupe County, New Mexico

Charles W. Foor, who came to New Mexico in 1881, arriving at Fort Sumner on the 29th of October, is a native of Kentucky, and removed from that state to Texas in 1873. He left Mitchell County, Texas, en route for New Mexico, driving the second bunch of cattle ever brought across the plains from the Lone Star state to the Territory. The destination was Fort Sumner, and after reaching that place Mr. Foor began working for the Littlefield Cattle Company, to whom the cattle were sold, continuing in that employ from April until August, 1882. He afterward returned to Fort Sumner, where he located and engaged in the saloon business from August, 1882, until December, 1883. He next turned his attention to merchandising, continuing at the fort for one year, after which he went to Cedar Canyon, near Bar V ranch. He was afterward engaged in ranching until August, 1887, when he removed to new Fort Sumner and opened a hotel, which he has since successfully conducted, and since 1891 he has been postmaster of the town. In August. 1905, he established a hotel in the new town of Sunnyside, where he is now located temporarily. He also has a ranch in Roosevelt County, four miles east of Fort Sumner, on which he expects to take up his abode at an early date. It is situated two and a half miles southeast of the new town of La Lande on the Belen cut-off of the Santa Fe road.

Mr. Foor has been watchful of the indications pointing toward success and improvement in the Territory, and has directed his efforts along lines leading to gratifying financial results.

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Source: History of New Mexico, Its Resources and People, VolumeI, Pacific States Publishing Co., 1907.

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Created 1996 by Charles Barnum & 2016 by Judy White