Gus Mulholland McKinley County, New Mexico

Gus Mulholland, president of the Pacific Improvement Company and identified with other enterprises in New Mexico, resides at Gallup and has made his home in the Territory since 1884. He is a native of Pennsylvania. Soon after locating in Gallup he established a general mercantile business and carried it on about four years, then sold out to the Black Diamond Coal Company. From the early days of his residence in this town to the present time he has exhibited a keen and unselfish interest in the general welfare of the community. For several years he served as a member of the board of education and helped to erect the present public school building, one of the best equipped in New Mexico. He was postmaster of Gallup in 1891-92, under appointment of President McKinley, and in 1896 was elected to the Territorial legislature from Bernalillo County as the nominee of the Republican Party, with which he has always affiliated and whose interests he has always stanchly espoused. He has stood for progress and advancement along material, intellectual and political lines and has left the impress of his individuality upon the building and progress of his County and the Territory.

Mr. Mulholland was one of the organizers of Fidelity Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., of Gallup, and his social acquaintance is wide and favorable. His business affairs, too, have proved of the utmost benefit to this City. For the past ten years he has been engaged in drilling wells throughout the Territory for the Territorial government, for corporations and for individuals, most of the work along the line of the El Paso & Southwestern Railway having been done by him. He is regarded as one of the substantial citizens of McKinley County.

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Source: History of New Mexico, Its Resources and People, Volume II, Pacific States Publishing Co., 1907.

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Created 1996 by Charles Barnum & 2016 by Judy White