Rosebud Cemetery
 Harding County
NMG, 41:1, 1 March 2002, page 25
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Project is based on the cemetery surveys published in the New Mexico Genealogist, The Journal of the New Mexico Genealogical Society. P.O. Box 8283; Albuquerque, NM 87198 8283. The magazine's volume, date, and and page number is displayed under the cemetery's name. Our appreciation to the New Mexico Genealogical Society and the survey compliers.

This material may not be reproduced or copied from this website nor be used for commercial purposes, resale, redistribution, or used for profit. The copyright remains with the New Mexico Genealogical Society. Some formatting and editing were made to the original presentation to fit this web site format. Some cemetery surveys were continued on subsequent magazine issues. This website presentation may not be copied in any manner for any reason. Retyped from original by C. W. Barnum 30 May 2002© . 

The following cemetery data is a summary. For the full record please see the Journal of the New Mexico Genealogical Society  NMG, 41:1, 1 March 2002, page 25. This cemetery is located one mile west of the town and one half mile south on NM 420. 
Credit: June Lofgreen and Nancy Robertson
Data source: Field survey, newspapers, funeral records, death certificates, personal knowledge. Analysis: Ernie Jaskolski

Rosebud Cemetery

Archuleta, Blas 1/1/1939-2/7/1939 1m/5d 
Christy, Lee d. 8/x/1939
Elliott, Quinton d. 2/3/1934 8y
Jones, Boyd nee Seddon 1921-1925
Jones, Jessie Washington 2/26/1865-6/22/1924
Kiser, Joe d.10/x/1933
Moore, Hattie E. 7/11/1895-12/20/1914
McMillian, Susan Davis 7/27/1865-3/28/1923
Roberts, Wayne 6/16/1915-11/17/1916
Tompkins, Eunice 11/30/1873-3/2/1936
Tompkins, John C. d.11/3/1934-72yrs
unknown graves two
