Kenna Cemetery
Kenna, Roosevelt County, New Mexico
Donated by Joyce Gore Locke 1/22/2007
 with Janelle Foster and Joy Gabbert McKillip
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This is one of many cemeteries surveyed by Joyce Gore Locke. Other cemeteries by Joyce Locke
are The Gore Connection Thank you, Joyce, for your wonderful contribution.

Last        First        Middle    Maiden    Birth Birth Birth       Death Death Death
Name        Name         Name      Name      Month  Day   Year       Month  Day   Year
Abbott      Bertie       M                                1885                  1976
Abbott      Judson       T                                1877                  1934
Allen       Charles      H                                1854                  1941
Allen       Elisabeth                                            
Archer      Aloma        Pauline               9     17   1928       12    17   1928
Archer      Kenneth      L                     2     9    1924       9     3    1999
Archer      Lois         Melvina               7     15   1886       4     20   1978
Archer      Raymond      Troy                  9     26   1900       6     8    1959
Archer      Walter       Edwin                 1     10   1890       3     21   1977
Armitage    Glen         E                     4     28   1923       4     9    1994
Armitage    Tamara       Ti                    7     30   1982       7     30   1982
Baker       Pryor        L                                1867                  1919
Baley       Wiley        Kern                             1898                  1924
Barnes      Zazel                              3     16   1892       11    7    1914
Beavers     John         A                     6     2    1842       10    4    1929
Berry       Dott                               10    16   1899       3     16   1971
Berry       George       W                     10    9    1899       3     6    1962
Berryhill   Coris                                         1920                  1920
Berryhill   Doris                                         1920                  1920
Berryhill   Fred         B                                1892                  1965
Berryhill   Marguerite                                    1917                  1920
Berryhill   Roy          M                     6     1    1891       11    30   1918
Berryhill   Vera         L                                1899                  1955
Bilberry    Taylor       Hope                  10    1    1997       10    1    1997
Brasher     Fate         E                     12    31   1902       7     30   1940
Brasher     Jessie       R         Maxwell     12    13   1907       1     5    1990
Britton     Ollie                              3     3    1888       10    21   1959
Butterfield Pamela       Sue                   8     3    1960       2     1    2001
Cooley      Lelia                  Cooper      6     30   1915       10    20   1998
Cooley      Thomas       Edward                5     9    1948       4     15   2002
Cooley      William      Seward                1     6    1909       11    21   1999
Cooper      Herman                             7     1    1890       7     22   1911
Cooper      Joseph       A                     1     29   1887       1     23   1949
Cooper      L            Gertrude              8     16   1889       1     25   1966
Cooper      Lewis        Cranford              6     30   1915       1     8    1971
Cooper      Ralph        D                     2     12   1912       4     22   1916
Cooper      Wesley       Dale                  9     3    1910       1     18   1979
Cooper      William      H                     5     9    1862       5     30   1938
Couvillon   Homer        Fitch                 1     20   1935       5     13   1995
Cowgill     (Mrs)                                                                   
Crosby      Gertrude               Good        2     15   1898       4     27   1922
Crosby      James        F                     10    2    1916       1     27   1979
Crosby      John         E                                1898                  1914
Crume       Helen                  Elrod       3     9    1899       4     29   1935
Crume       Katie        E                                1878                  1963
Crume       Philip       L                     2     16   1930       8     6    1930
Crume       Price        Thomas                1     1    1896       11    13   1991
Cruse       (Baby)                                        1934                  1934
Cruse       Clara        May                   5     1    1902       11    15   1983
Cruse       I            M                     3     23   1903       10    18   1979
Cryer       Altus        J  T                  6     16   1913       8     5    1916
Cryer       Delbert      Leon                  9     7    1937       6     6    1939
Cryer       Elizabeth                          8     14   1917       2     11   1993
Cryer       Estil        V                     8     2    1910       2     16   2000
Cryer       Lola         F                     9     3    1890       3     11   1972
Cryer       Willie       H                     3     23   1885       12    30   1969
Daniel      John         D                                1865                  1959
Daniel      Johnie       M                     4     10   1909       11    4    1992
Daniel      Katherine                                     1907                  1997
Daniel      Lula         F                                1884                  1976
Davis       Christian    Frederick             1     2    1935       4     14   1991
Davis       Dorothy      Le                    3     29   1929       7     16   2003
Davis       Janet        Marie                 4     1    1948       4     3    1948
Davis       Sharon                             7     10   1946       7     10   1946
Denton      (Infant son)                                  1927                  1927
Denton      Alden        Lee                              1898                  1963
Denton      Edwin        T                     9     21   1902       12    26   1982
Denton      Edwin        Wayne                 6     23   1941       6     25   1941
Denton      Florence                                      1876       6     6    1942
Denton      Irene        E                     1     8    1906       12    18   1993
Denton      John         Stanley                          1909                  1954
Denton      Lucious      Conrad                2     9    1874       8     18   1925
Denton      Ruth                   Maddux      12    13   1905       9     26   1989
Eaton       Fred         Van                   2     28   1920       12    18   1994
Eaves       Arch         H                                1862                  1933
Elrod       Taylor       O                     8     27   1867       12    2    1922
Evans       Joe          R                     5     23   1887       3     25   1942
Evans       Robert       Eldon                 12    15   1932       4     12   2005
Fallwell    Wanda                              9     26   1920       2     15   2006
Farmer      Frances                                                                 
Fry         Arthur                                               
Gainer      Lela         Belle                            1905                  2001
Gainer      Peggy        Jane                  10    27   1936       9     20   1938
Gainer      Tom          J                                1902                  1980
Good        Frank                              8     21   1874       12    24   1955
Good        John         Stanley               1     19   1965       1     20   1965
Good        Katie                  Bedell      10    8    1874       8     15   1962
Good        Margie                 Moore       6     15   1913       2     19   1985
Good        Stanley                            1     9    1914       3     3    1989
Good        William      Haley                 6     7    1919       6     20   1920
Green       Thelma       Lois                  8     1    1906       2     21   1996
Haynes      (Mrs)                                                
Hill        Hugh         H                     10    25   1913       2     11   1995
Hollis      Eura         Mae                   8     5    1905       2     19   1946
Howard      Albert       M                     7     20   1888       2     16   1953
Howard      James        Lloyd                 1     17   1930       8     9    1969
Howard      Ruby         Ophelia               10    29   1891       2     24   1987
Howell      Ada          Josephine             7     27   1901       7     19   1991
Howell      Guy          Phelps                8     17   1897       12    21   1956
Howell      Velma                  Walker      9     21   1905       9     3    1997
Howell      William      John                  1     9    1899       9     21   1964
Jenkins     Ben          H                     8     12   1882       11    6    1971
Jenkins     J            Mays                  4     5    1902       2     24   1991
Jenkins     Margie       M                     7     8    1905       8     28   1961
Jones       Emma                                          1884                      
Jones       Garry        L                     11    11   1944       1     21   1991
Jones       Isaac        Duff                             1906                  1914
Jones       John         A                                1880                  1939
Jones       Mary         Belle                            1869       6     9    1949
Jones       Myron        P                                1910                  1986
Jones       Vera         L                     10    27   1916       5     13   1993
Jones       Wilburn      Blake                            1864                  1924
Jones       William      M                     9     10   1861       10    10   1911
Kemp        Clara        B                     11    22   1876       9     17   1957
Kemp        James        A                     8     11   1866       9     28   1931
Kimmons     Anna         L                     7     21   1891       10    2    1975
Kimmons     Bird                                          1887                  1918
Kimmons     John         A                     10    31   1868       2     23   1943
Lee         (Baby)                                                                  
Lee         E            E  (Mrs)                                                   
Lee         Sophona                                                                 
Lemons      John         C                                1896                  1960
Lemons      John         M                     5     10   1850       9     22   1914
Lemons      Mary         E                     11    13   1857       3     22   1934
Lemons      Shirley      D                     4     8    1893       8     19   1935
Liles       Mike         Lee                   1     23   1868       6     8    1938
Littlefield Charles      W                     1     25   1865       11    18   1918
Long        Juanita                Malone                 1907                  1938
Longley     Emmitt       Woodrow                          1918                  1945
Longley     Joseph       A                     5     16   1922       5     22   1994
Longley     Mary         A                     4     25   1921       5     28   1998
Malone      (Mrs)                                                
Malone      Freddie      Lacy                             1879                  1957
Malone      George       A                                1873                  1949
Malone      George       A                                1917                  1936
Malone      Hubert       C                     7     26   1926                      
Malone      William      Harold                7     5    1921       4     6    1992
Martin      (Baby)                                               
Martin      Beatrice                           7     22   1904       3     10   1933
McCombs     Emmet        Blake                 12    10   1916       12    14   1988
McCombs     Ola                                2     11   1890       9     23   1945
McCombs     William      B                     3     8    1875       7     14   1947
McCown      Ruby                               9     22   1914       6     12   1920
McDowell    Amilee                                        1880                  1965
McDowell    Claude       L                     8     15   1903       10    18   1982
McDowell    Dorothy      E         Good        3     7    1910       4     23   1994
McDowell    James        H                     12    19   1915       1     10   1999
McDowell    Joseph       Edward                8     14   1951       8     29   1998
McDowell    William      A                     3     12   1872       2     15   1936
McDowell    William      Abner                 7     22   1906       5     8    1992
McKee       J            F                                1860                  1917
Miller      Dave         Walter                5     16   1899       12    3    1959
Milstead    L            A                     8     9    1874       8     15   1958
Nicholas    Harlon       N                     2     23   1910       6     18   1987
Nicholas    Harvey       M                     9     30   1884       5     1    1964
Nicholas    Lonnie       B                     10    24   1943       10    25   1943
Nicholas    Lula         M                     8     28   1889       1     18   1966
Nooncaster  (Mrs)                                                
Northam     Charlie      Marvin                7     5    1883       1     12   1943
Northam     Jessie       Lee                   2     22   1882       5     11   1931
Offutt      Emery                              4     1    1925       3     6    2001
Offutt      Gary         Embry                 9     1    1948       9     3    1948
Pendley     Homer        Herschel              9     30   1924       6     17   1989
Plymell     O            L  Kirk               10    16   1921       9     13   1981
Powell      Elmer        A                     9     9    1923       11    24   1998
Powell      Ida                                           1902                  1924
Priewe      Carl         H                     3     13   1858       12    7    1934
Priewe      Emily        T                     9     15   1868       3     22   1945
Ratliff     Bob          Lee                              1885                  1959
Ratliff     Lester       Viola                 1     1    1904       7     10   1956
Rickard     (Mrs)                                                
Rickard     Herbert      E                     12    26   1902       5     4    1939
Rickard     Homer        H                                           6     20   1919
Rickard     J            C                     2     19   1918       4     23   1928
Rickard     Simon        Edward                3     30   1879       8     5    1949
Rickard     Wendel       Cook                  11    13   1925       10    26   1996
Riddle      Mattie       M                     3     1    1898       5     18   1910
Rogers      Daisy        G                                1879                  1951
Rogers      John         A                                1875                  1961
Rutherford  Henry        Newton                           1876                  1919
Samples     C   (Mrs)                                                               
Samples     Dorothy                Longley     9     18   1896       10    20   1991
Samples     Ida                                           1874                  1971
Samples     Jim                                8     1    1895       6     21   1982
Samples     L            A                     8     11   1875       8     1    1948
Savage      (Baby)                                                                  
Smith       (Mrs)                                                                   
Smith       Byrd                   Kimmons     2     27   1918       1     31   1991
Snyder      Ray                                8     14   1922       2     27   1998
Southard    (Baby)                                                                  
Southard    Frank                              10    16   1896       5     23   1980
Southard    Harry        W                     4     8    1894       12    20   1962
Southard    Jean         V         Jenkins     4     14   1936       9     5    1990
Southard    Kathleen                           9     18   1901       12    11   1980
Southard    Lee          W                     8     25   1936       10    12   1936
Southard    Linnie       H                     9     14   1908       11    9    1992
Southard    Maggie                             6     6    1858       7     27   1946
Southard    Mamie        V                     8     4    1901       12    1    1944
Southard    Thomas       R                     10    13   1891       10    31   1968
Southard    Timothy      Slade                 2     8    1999       2     8    1999
Stafford    Addie                                         1842                  1924
Vaughan     J            Odus                  4     28   1902       2     12   1975
Vaughan     J            Odus                  8     23   1927       5     23   1982
Vaughan     James        L                                1879                  1945
Vaughan     Kenneth      B                     9     19   1915       5     15   1988
Vaughan     Lena         M                     2     27   1915       2     18   1998
Vaughan     Loveta                 Berryhill   11    17   1920       2     12   2002
Vaughan     Meddie                             6     11   1883       7     30   1927
Vaughan     Nannie       V                     7     4    1900       9     7    1982
Vaughan     Veldon       W                     5     5    1921       2     23   1945
Vincent     Floyd        W                     2     11   1897       9     2    1982
Vincent     Mae          G                     1     24   1901       3     16   1991
Walker      Alma         H                                1882                  1966
Walker      Harden       Lee                   12    31   1935       10    12   1984
Walker      Rufus        Sylvester                        1874                  1948
Walker      William      H                     3     9    1901       2     10   1961
Watson      Cliff                                         1898                  1951
Watson      Elizabeth    Jane                             1872                  1963
Watson      George       William                          1868                  1943
Watson      Harold                             1     5    1933       8     31   1936
Watson      Ruby                                          1905                  1992
Wear        Iva          M                     2     18   1882       7     31   1915
Wear        Onzie        Ralph                 6     21   1915       3     9    1917
Wilcox      Frank                              3     7    1931       12    26   2001
Williams    William      A                                                          
Williamson  Betty        Ann                   11    29   1935       6     22   2003
Williamson  Paul         Alexander             2     24   1928       9     11   1985
Wilson      Coy          Ben                   4     10   1934       3     22   1998
Worley      Jesse        Edmond                           1894                  1964
Worley      Mabel                                         1894                  1976
Worley      Sadie        Marie                            1920                  1937