Trujillo Church and Cemetery
San Miguel County
NMG, Vol. 40, No. 4, December 2001, page 205
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Project is based on the cemetery surveys published in the New Mexico Genealogist, The Journal of the New Mexico Genealogical Society. P.O. Box 8283; Albuquerque, NM 87198-8283. The magazine's volume, date, and and page number is displayed under the cemetery's name. Our appreciation to the New Mexico Genealogical Society and the survey compliers. This material may not be reproduced or copied from this website nor be used for commercial purposes, resale, re-distribution, or used for profit. Re-typed from original by C. W. Barnum 2002© .

Trujillo Church and Cemetery San Miguel County, New Mexico
by Henrietta Martinet Christmas, 2001

Tmjillo is a farming and ranching community thirty-one miles east of Las Vegas, New Mexico, on NM 104 (old State Road 65). There are two cemeteries in Trujillo. One cemetery is located by the church and the other slightly east of the church on the main road. The following abstracts are taken from the cemetery located near the church.

Libertop Romero 1943-1993
Sara B, Romero 1920-1993
(same headstone with Libertop Romero)
Max Lester 9-16-1906 to 12-20-1998
Alejandro Lucero May 1, 1900-Apr 8,1999
Antonio C. Baca May 31,1916-Jun 12,1999
Tony Baca, Jr. Feb 15, 1948-Mar 1, 2001
Virginia Biggins Apr 24, 1915-Jul 21, 1999
Valentin Parsons 12/11/1949-2/16/2000
Antonio Gonzales 1910-1991
Jose Antonio Gutierrez 1903-1991
JoAnn Y. Vigil July 19, 1948-Mar 26,1986
Eufelia C. Sanchez Mar 26,1903-Ene 26,1991
(wife of Ramon Sanchez)
David Yara Feb 23, 1953-Jul 28, 1992
Billy J. Gutierrez 1955-1984
Samuel C. Gutierrez 1917-1985
Ramon Sanchez 1898-1985
Felix Gutierrez, Jr. Sep 23, 1918-Mar 16, 1986
Antonia C. Gutierrez Jan 1897-Jul 1989
Alonzo M. Gutierrez 1962-1989
Joe Quintina, Jr. 1956-1997
Maria Quintana 1927-? (age 65 years)
Adelnura Pacheco 4/25/1919 - 5/28/1995
Eloisa L. Pacheco 1891-1978
Teodoro Pacheco 1888-1976
Decidorio Baca 1911-1976
Oriando Baca 1940-1974
Eloisa Parson Esparsen April, 1908-Aug 31,1987
Fred V.Gutierrez 1933-1975
Prudenciana Lucero 1890-? (age 87)
Gregorio Esparsen Mar 12, 1903-May 12,1979
Casimiro Baca 1924-1983
Adelmiria G. Crespin 1913-1983
Raymond L. Paebeco Oct21,1971-Jul4,1978
Andres Gutferrez 1870-1966
Florinda S. Gutierrez May 11,1927-Aug 16, 1958
Juanita T. Naranjo Jun 27, 1900-Apr 1,1957
(wife of Leopoldo Naranjo)
Leopoldo F. Naraojo Oct 4,1891-Aug 17, 1963
Donaciano Martinez 1888-1968
Felix Cutlerrez 1879-1956
Leonarda R. Martinez 1890-1969
Brigida Crespin d. May 27, ? (age 86)
Feliz Crespin July 11, 1869-Dec 26, 1954
Valerio G. 1888-1972
Florencio Pacheco 1909-1970
Elena M. 1912-1970
Anita G. Lucero 1899-1969
William J. Higgins Nov 25,1900-Jan 24,1969
Ricardo Padilla 1892-1953
Rayniundo Parson Mar 15,1904-Jun 28,1973
Ignacila Baca Jun 23, 1934-Oct 26,1973
Max James Lester Sep 14, 1948-Apr 11,1971
Jose S. Madrid 1928-1973