H. B. Cartwright Santa Fé County, New Mexico

H. B. Cartwright was born at Kossuth, Des Moines County, Iowa, in 1852. He located in Santa Fé in 1880. He was first engaged in a bookselling and news business but in 1881 engaged in the retail grocery business. He was successful in building up a large and paving establishment, and in 1902 found that it was desirable to divide the business so as to have the wholesale and retail parts of the store conducted separately. This was done, and since that time the firm of H. B. Cartwright & Bro., with H. B. Cartwright as president and manager, has been doing an exclusively wholesale grocery trade. Mr. Cartwright is a man of great energy and force and is considered one of the best buyers in the grocery trade of New Mexico. He has filled a number of offices in his county, having been the treasurer and collector for a number of terms. He is a Mason, belonging to both the Scottish rite and Knight Templars, and is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine.

Samuel G. Cartwright, a brother of H. B. Cartwright, was born in 1869. He was educated in the public schools and at the State University of Iowa, graduating in the class of 1892 with the degree of Ph. B.

He joined his brother in the grocery business in 1892 and aided him in building up a prosperous trade. When the retail and wholesale departments of the store were separated, in 1902, S. G. Cartwright was made manager of the retail store, which is conducted under the name of the Cartwright-Davis Co. He has also held a number of local and territorial offices, being at this time a trustee and secretary and treasurer of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum.

He was married in 1904 to Miss Bertha Straub at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. They have three children, Miriam, Edward William and George Dewey. 

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Source: History of New Mexico, Its Resources and People, Volume II, Pacific States Publishing Co., 1907.

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Created 1996 by Charles Barnum & 2016 by Judy White