John W. Owen Lincoln County, New Mexico

John W. Owen, sheriff of Lincoln County, was born and reared in Sedalia. Missouri, where he became familiar with the occupation of farming. He arrived in White Oaks, New Mexico, in 1885, and began raising and dealing in cattle and horses. He is yet interested in that industry in the vicinity of White Oaks, having a ranch thirty-five miles north of the town. He raises cattle on quite an extensive scale and the business is a profitable one.

Called to public office, he was elected sheriff in 1902 and served for seven months. In 1905 he was re-elected and removed with his family to Lincoln. He had previously served as constable and as deputy sheriff of White Oaks, and has proved a capable officer, prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duties. He is a member of Excelsior Lodge No. 5., I. O. O. F.

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Source: History of New Mexico, Its Resources and People, Volume II, Pacific States Publishing Co., 1907.

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Created 1996 by Charles Barnum & 2016 by Judy White