Orange Scott Warren Grant County, New Mexico

Orange Scott Warren, deceased, who was a respected and representative citizen of Silver City, was born in Maiden, Massachusetts, August 15, 1847, and was a descendant of the old Warren family, prominent in that state. During his boyhood days his parents removed to Lawrence. Kansas, where he was educated, being graduated from the schools there. He afterward entered the Union army as private secretary to a colonel commanding a regiment. About the close of the war he returned east to New Jersey for a short time, and afterward went to Seattle. Washington, where he was cashier in a bank for two years. Subsequently he again went to New Jersey and afterward spent two years in the banking business at Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1876 he made his way to San Francisco and to Portland, Oregon, remaining on the coast until 1882. In that year he came direct to Silver City and spent his remaining days in the insurance and real estate business here, being one of the representative men of this part of the Territory. He was not only active in business life, but also contributed in substantial measure to public improvement, and was a co-operant factor in measures which had direct bearing upon public interests. He was the first county superintendent of schools in Grant County, and the cause of public education found in him a warm and earnest friend, while other beneficial public measures received his endorsement and co-operation.

He died on the eve of his nomination for county commissioner on the 6th of October, 1885. His public spirit and progressive citizenship made his services much sought in connection with affairs of general moment. He was a well-educated man, a good conversationalist and fluent talker, and was recognized as a strong and influential Republican, whose opinions were frequently a decisive force in the local councils of his party.

Mr. Warren was married in New Jersey in 1874 to Miss Elizabeth Von Wachenhusen, a native of Brooklyn, New York, and a daughter of Baron Frederick Yon Wachenhusen, of Mecklenburg, who served as lieutenant in the German army in the revolution of 1848, and because of this had to leave his native country, which he did in company with the renowned Carl Schurz. Of the children of this family one son, Frederick, is now deceased. Joan is the widow of E. B. Moorman, of Louisville, Kentucky, and a son, Eugene, is now in St. Louis, Missouri, where he occupies a prominent position with the Citizens' Insurance Company. He was formerly a resident of Silver City and was Republican candidate for the New Mexico legislature at the Thirty-fifth session. Since her husband's death Mrs. Warren has continued to reside in Silver City, and has charge of the business which he established.

He was a man of splendid qualities, as displayed in his business, political and social relations, and his death came as a personal bereavement to his many friends as well as to his immediate family.

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Source: History of New Mexico, Its Resources and People, Volume II, Pacific States Publishing Co., 1907.

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Created 1996 by Charles Barnum & 2016 by Judy White

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