Geococcyx californianus
Doņa Ana County New Mexico AHGP
It's seat is Las Cruces, also the largest city in the county and second-largest
in New Mexico. Smaller towns in the county include Mesilla, Doņa Ana, Hatch, and
Organ. The county has a total area of 3,815 square miles. The county contains a
number of prominent geographical features, most notably the Mesilla Valley (the
flood plain of the Rio Grande river) going north to south through the center and
the Organ Mountains along the county's eastern edge. Other mountain ranges in
the county are the Robledo Mountains, Doņa Ana Mountains, Sierra de las Uvas,
the southern end of the San Andres Mountains, East Potrillo Mountains, and West
Potrillo Mountains, as well as two small, isolated mountains, Tortugas Mountain
on the east and Picacho Peak on the west side of Las Cruces. The county also
includes one of New Mexico's four large lava fields, the Aden Malpais, and one
of the world's largest maare volcanoes, Kilbourne Hole. A huge bubble of steam
was produced which blew out a large crater. It was not necessary for the lava
and magma to build up a mountainous deposit. The crater is thought to be 80,000
years old.
Yucca Flower