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Index to the Corona Maverick
Jan. 13, 1922-Aug. 17, 1923
Index F
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- (5/5/22) County Commissioners reduce tax on farmland from $20 per acre to $6
per acre; pinto beans are a money maker
- (5/19/22) Robert Hudson is planting beans; L. Jones of Olney, IL, advertised
wanting to buy a farm
- (8/11/22) Mrs. D.H. Henry buys crop insurance
- (8/18/22) J.F. Ott's beans failed but he harvested turnips
- (8/25/22) John Owens has good crop of grapes
- (9/15/22) P.H. Buchanan is proponent of diversified crops
- (9/29/22) pea yield at Cedarvale is small
- (10/6/22) there has been a general crop failure and new planting is beginning
- (10/13/22) J. H. Angel grew beans 16 pods to a stock
- (10/20/22) W.C. Smith of Cedarvale thrashed 9000 pounds of beans
- (11/17/22) Jim Killingsworth in from wheat harvest in Kansas
- (3/9/23) several Corona farmers expect to plant more than 100 acres
- (4/20/23)Otho Fox leasing land near Gallinas mountains to raise pinto beans
- (5/4/23) M.M. Cox has good stand of corn northeast of town
- (5/18/23) A.G. Telfer of Cedarvale is growing corn; Lester Smith of Vaughn
moved to the H.D. Smith place near Cedarvale to raise beans
- (6/8/23) A.T. Ballard closed out store and moved southeast of town to farm
- (7/27/23) L. Jones of Olney, Illinois, wants to buy a farm
Farrar, Lynn Woodward - (4/28/22) homestead originally filed 2/7/19, notice,
witnessed by Crabtree McAdams, Roy Roddy, Earl H. Kromer, and Nolan O. Wilkins
Fashion - (3/16/23) Editorial: will Corona women start wearing Egyptian fashions
from Kin Tut's tomb?
Fencing - (7/27/23) J.H. Benson of Sierra Blanca, Texas, bought Gillespie Ranch
in Gillo Canyon and the J.R. Jenkins holdings on the Gillo including the two
wells known as the Tot and Baker; a total of 60 sections which he intends to
fence and run 1000 cattle
Fenny, Thomas J. - (11/24/22, 12/1/22, 12/8/22, 12/29/22, 1/5/23) witness for
Ephraim D. Braswell homestead
Ferguson, M. L. - (6/15/23) Rev. M.L. Ferguson, pastor of Las Vegas Baptist
Church will have a revival, with Rev. A. L. Duncan assisting
Fiestas - (9/29/22) Pinos Wells held its fiesta
Finley, M. U. - (10/20/22) running for Representative
Finley, R. J. - (2/9/23) and family of Belen visited Corona
- (5/12/22) Zebb Owen house in Torrance destroyed by fire
- (10/13/22) J.J. White Mercantile in Mountainair burned, caused by a stove
- (12/8/22) Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Melton of Fort Sumner home destroyed by fire
- (3/2/23) there was a fire in the lab at school, no serious damage
- (3/23/23) fire destroyed the Abou Hotel in Vaughn, killing three Mexican men
- (6/1/23) a forest fire burned 640 acres, 2 miles long on the west slope of
Gallinas Mountain. It was started by lightening and discovered by Ranger J.H.
Mims on Saturday afternoon. The fire started Friday and strong winds spread it.
50 local men battled the blaze
- (6/8/23) correction on last weeks report of forest fire, it only burned 98
- (6/15/23) 50 square miles of timber destroyed in Manzanos by fire
- (4/28/22) fresh oysters and fish available at Central Market on Saturdays and
- (1/19/23) Fresh fish and oysters available at Corona Meat Market
Fitzpatrick, Clara - (12/29/22) spent holidays in Capitan
Fixed by George - (4/28/22) movie shown at the School Theatre
Flannigan, Bud - (9/22/22) visited World War I buddy Oliver Evanson
Fletcher, Calvin L.
- (4/28/22) Cedarvale homestead originally filed 9/27/20, notice, witnessed by
Warren Graham, Reps F. Taylor, Clinton B. Smith and Walter B. Mosley
- (5/5/22) homestead originally filed at Cedarvale 9/27/20, notice, witnessed by
Warren Graham, Reps F. Taylor, Clinton B. Smith, and Walter B. Mosley, all of
Fletcher, C. L., Mrs.
- (9/22/22) of Cedarvale, went to Willington, TX, to see her son Orville
- (9/29/22) and daughter-in-law are in Cedarvale from Wellington, TX
- (11/24/22) of Cedarvale is home from visiting her daughter, Mrs. McCloud, in
Fletcher, Orville - (9/22/22) of Willington, TX, visited by his mother Mrs. C.I.
Fletcher of Cedarvale
Flivver - (1/19/23) Roy Owen of Gallo Canyon purchased a new Flivver
Flores, Jesus - (1/13/22) witness to Alonzo J. Atkinson homestead - (5/11/23,
5/18/23, 5/25/23, 6/1/23. 6/8/23, 6/15/23) witness for Charlie Wade homestead
- (5/4/23) Obituary: Jonathan E. Ogden was born in Cincinnati, Feb. 2, 1840,
died April 4, 1923 at the age of 83 years, 2 months, and 19 days. Spent his
boyhood in Cincinnati; joined the Baptist church at 16. Enlisted Oct. 17, 1861
in Co. I, 13th Regiment of Iowa, Veterans Infantry Volunteers, where he remained
for 4 1/2
years. He reenlisted Dec. 31, 1863 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. He fought under
Grant at the Siege of Vicksburg and was with Sherman on his march to the sea.
After the war, he went to Texas where he met his wife, Mrs. Lily Whitely. He had
one son, Edgar W. Ogden. He moved to Corona in 1910 and wintered in Florida. In
1919 he moved to El Paso where he remained until a few months before his death.
In January 1920 he fell on ice and was paralyzed for three years
- (9/15/22) Annie B. Holmes of Millville, FL, and Emma Reed of Arlington, TX,
visiting their sister, Mrs. C. W. Wade
- (10/6/22) Mrs. S.T. Reed and Mrs. J. H. Holmes with son Arthur of Fort Worth
and Millville, FL, returned home after visiting Mrs. C. W. Wade
Flowers, Adrian T.
- (8/11/22, 8/18/22, 8/25/22, 9/1/22) of Cedarvale, witness for Edward W.
Brumbeloe homestead
- (1/19/23) of Cedarvale went to Corona
- (1/20/22, 1/27/22) Western Garage at Carrizozo, advertised Fords
- (2/23/23) Dean Gumm bought new Ford Roadster and went to Carrizozo to see his
- (5/18/23) Hark Colbaugh has new Ford touring car
Fordson tractors - (3/16/23) Marshall Atkinson and T. M. DuBois bought a Fordson
tractor to use on their ranches
- (10/20/22) J.H. Mims, local forest ranger mapping with S. Strickland of
Alamogordo and W. H. Woods of High Rolls
- (4/20/23)livestock men of Corona have petitioned forest officials of the
Lincoln National Forest for 30,000 acres set aside for a game refuge for the
protection of deer and turkey in the main range of the Gallinas Mountains 10
miles from Corona
- (4/27/23) Lincoln Forest supervisor O. Fred Arthur was in Corona with Gallinas
ranger J.H. Mims surveying the Gallinas Mountain reserve; Assistant Forester L.F.
Kneipp of Washington, D.C., was in Corona Thursday and Friday with Assistant
District Forester J.B. Jones and Deputy Supervisor J.C. Nave of Albuquerque
inspecting timberlands northwest of town with a view to opening it to
homesteaders. Mr. Kneipp stated tracts inspected would be thrown out of the
forest at an early date
- (6/1/23) a forest fire burned 640 acres, 2 miles long on the west slope of
Gallinas Mountain. It was started by lightening and discovered by Ranger J.H.
Mims on Saturday afternoon. The fire started Friday and strong winds spread it.
50 local men battled the blaze
- (6/8/23) correction on last weeks report of forest fire, it only burned 98
- (6/15/23) 50 square miles of timber destroyed in Manzanos by fire
Forest rangers - (4/13/23) J.H. Mims was called to Carrizozo because two of his
children were sick
Fort Sumner
- (1/27/22) Corona girls played basketball against Fort Sumner
- (8/18/22) Smith and Winkle of Duran moved their cattle to Duran due to the
- (8/25/22) Neal Smith of Duran returned from Fort Sumner
- (11/24/22) 20 carloads of cattle and 1350 sheep were shipped to Colorado and
Fort Sumner, bought by Howard Payne and C.W. Wade
- (12/8/22) Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Melton of Fort Sumner home destroyed by fire
- (1/19/23) Mae McAdams and A. Stribling left for basketball practice but went
to Fort Sumner where they were married, they will live in San Antonio, TX
Foster, L. O.
- (10/27/22) and wife of Cedarvale went to Willard
- (12/1/22) went to Cedarvale
- (1/19/23) of Cedarvale went to Corona
- (3/9/23) and wife of Cedarvale went to Corona; and wife of Cedarvale were in
Foster, Lewis S. - (8/18/22, 8/25/22, 9/1/22, 9/8/22, 9/15/22, 9/22/22) of
Cedarvale, witness for John W. Donaldson homestead
Fourth of July
- (4/28/22) Rodeo and barbecue being planned
- (5/19/22) events being planned
Fox, Barre - (1/13/22) picnicked with Mr. & Mrs. Dishman, Jess & Mrs. Atkinson,
Barre Fox, Irwin Goodreau, Gumm Mellon, Harold Barre, Mrs. Kersey, Mrs. Short,
Mae Hester, Josephine Clements, and Zelphia Dishman
Fox, Clayton
- (5/12/22) with E.C. Martin returned from southern New Mexico
- (2/23/23) back from Albuquerque
- (5/18/23) of Albuquerque is in Corona for the summer
- (6/1/23) played 2nd base on Corona baseball team
Fox, G. L. - (4/28/22) salesman for Milburn Puncture Proof Inner Tubes
Fox, Otho A.
- (9/1/22) will teach at Gallinas
- (12/8/22) attended New Mexico Educational Association in
- (12/29/22) teacher at Gallinas dined with friends in Corona Albuquerque
- (4/20/23)leasing land near Gallinas mountains to raise pinto beans
- (6/1/23) played pitcher on Corona baseball team
- (6/8/23) Gran Quivera played baseball against Corona. Otho Fox pitched and
P.A. Thomson was umpire. Irwin hit homerun for three runs
- (6/15/23) Cedarvale baseball team beat Corona, Pitcher Otho Fox was hit with
the ball and fractured his cheekbone, J.M. Jolly pitched
Fox and Goose chase - (5/12/22)
Frame - (6/1/23) played short stop on Corona baseball team
Frame, J. M.
- (1/27/22) in Corona from Ancho
- (4/28/22) of Ancho visited Corona
- (10/13/22) and wife of Ancho visited by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frame and daughter
of Texas
Frame, Paul - (10/13/22) and wife of Texas visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Frame of
Frame, Pete
- (10/13/22) of Ancho, visiting in Corona
- (4/13/23) of Ancho constructed and installed a radio phone in the home of Bert
Penix, can listen to Fort Worth and Kansas City
Franks, Dan
- (4/28/22) witness for Mary Ella Melton Owens homestead
- (2/9/23, 2/16/23, 2/23/23, 3/2/23, 3/9/23, 3/16/23, 3/23/23) homestead witness
for William G. Thompson
Franks, Don - (11/17/22) summoned to jury
Franks, Melvin
- (9/1/22) Democratic candidate for Lincoln County Commissioner, District 2
- (2/9/23, 2/16/23, 2/23/23, 3/2/23, 3/9/23, 3/16/23, 3/23/23) homestead witness
for William G. Thompson
French, James A. - (9/15/22) of Santa Fe inspected the Corona Lead and Silver
French, J. B.
- (9/1/22) on Republican Central Committee
- (9/22/22) and wife, with Mrs. G. A. Gunn of Carrizozo visited Corona
Frilick, Joe - (9/1/22) moved to Corona from Vaughn
Fritz, Clara
- (9/15/22) new teacher at Corona from Capitan
- (5/25/23) will spend summer in Capitan with her parents
Fritz, Mary - (12/8/22) of Capitan in Corona with Pearl Boone
Frye, G. W. - (4/28/22) insurance agent in town
Fuhrman, Bob
- (8/25/22) and wife of Roswell, guests at wedding of Nora Kimmens and Otis
Cranford; and Lillie went back to Roswell
Furhman, Lillie
- (8/25/22) and Bob went back to Roswell; guest at wedding of Nora Kimmens and
Otis R. Cranford
- (4/13/23) Mrs. Dishman, Collins, Stoue, and Atkinson of Corona attended Mrs.
M.P. Tomkinson funeral at Cedarvale
- (4/27/23) Jonathan E. Ogden died at 1:10 at the home of his daughter Mrs. P.H.
Arnold at age 83 years, 2 months, and 19 days. His wife, two sons and daughter
were at his bedside. Was in bed for over 3 years. Funeral is at 4 on Sunday. He
had previously served in the Army.