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Index to the Corona Maverick
Jan. 13, 1922-Aug. 17, 1923

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Paige - (2/23/23, 3/2/23) Marshall Atkinson lost rim and lens of Paige car

Parades - (1/5/23) New Years was celebrated in Corona by banging tubs and washpans and a parade

Parent Teachers Association- (1/27/22) meeting program: Gladys Little sang, Prof. Dunlap read paper on value of public library, Mrs. F. L. Standhardt played piano, Mrs. R. J. Vaughn read paper on cooperation between school and home

Parker, J. W. - (12/1/22) Floyd Rowland and wife entertained in honor of her father and brother J.W. Parker and Walter; guests included Harold Beeth and son, Mrs. and Mrs. A. Jenkins and family, Mrs. L. Killingsworth and daughter Ruby

Parker, Walter - (12/1/22) Floyd Rowland and wife entertained in honor of her father and brother J.W. Parker and Walter; guests included Harold Beeth and son, Mrs. and Mrs. A. Jenkins and family, Mrs. L. Killingsworth and daughter Ruby

Parks - (5/4/23) a triangular park with trees, flowers and shrubs is to be fenced and planted between Y and the main track

Parlor Barber Shop - operated by E.F. Davidson, advertised between Jan. 13 and Dec. 8, 1922

Parson School - (12/8/22) Edith Rockwell resigned due to poor health

- see also Dances, Fiestas
- (1/13/22) Mrs. George Simpson entertained friends
- (1/20/22) Husie Cosby entertained at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Cosby. Attending: Mae & Eva Jones, Thelma Clary, Mary Cosby, Ethel Tracy, Ruth and Ruby Killingsworth, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Killingsworth, Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Cosby, Mr. Jolly, Mr. Colbaugh, Mr. Reeder, Mr. Quillen, Mr. Mayfield, Mr. Tracy, and Mr. Cosby; Mrs. Standhardt entertained
- (1/27/22) Mrs. M.D. Atkinson entertained; Mrs. W.R. Keim entertained in honor of daughter Esther Pearl
Ward; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. DuBois, Mr. & Mrs. T. M. entertained- (8/11/22) Mrs. D.H. Henry entertained in her home
- (11/24/22) Minnie Morgan of Cedarvale entertained in her home
- (12/1/22) Floyd Rowland and wife entertained in honor of her father and brother J.W. Parker and Walter; guests included Harold Beeth and son, Mrs. and Mrs. A. Jenkins and family, Mrs. L. Killingsworth and daughter Ruby
- (12/29/22) Mrs. J.M. Atkinson entertained; Mr. and Mrs. T.M. DuBois entertained
- (1/12/23) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers entertained in their home at Cedarvale; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Myers entertained in their home
- (1/19/23) C.H. Lee of Cedarvale had a party
- (2/16/23) box supper at Varney; Sunbeam band gave social at Central Hotel
- (2/2/23) R.A. Morgan of Cedarvale had a party; Mae Cosby and Eva Jones had birthday party
- (3/9/23) R.J. Hooper of Cedarvale held a social

- (8/18/22) C.W. Jackson of Pastura, visited Corona
- (5/25/23) J. M. Shelton was in Corona from Pastura to make final proof of his homestead

- (6/1/23) J.M. Shelton's wife and children have moved to Pastura where he is operator

Patterson, Allen
- (8/18/22) and partner Shannon arrested for bootlegging
- (8/25/22) out on bail

Payne, Howard
- (10/6/22) cattle buyer from Willard visited Cedarvale
- (11/17/22) cattle buyer of Willard was in Corona
- (11/24/22) 20 carloads of cattle and 1350 sheep were shipped to Colorado and Fort Sumner, bought by Howard Payne and C.W. Wade

Penix, B. E.
- (1/20/22) Notary public for Stockmans State Bank public report
- (10/20/22) notarized Stockman's State Bank balance sheet
- (5/4/23) Stockmans State Bank balance sheet was $135,760. E.M. Brickley, President, A.J. Irwin, cashier;
A.S. McCamant, E.M. Brickley, and H.B. Jones directors; B.E. Penix notary

Penix, Bert
- (3/16/23) bought new Essex touring car
- (4/13/23) Pete Frame of Ancho constructed and installed a radio phone in the home of Bert Penix, can listen to Fort Worth and Kansas City

Penix, Houston L.
- (4/28/22) witness to John T. Kimmons homestead
- (5/5/22) witness for John T. Kimmens homestead
- (3/2/23) with Max Penix and Ed Kimmons went to El Paso

Penix, M. E., Mrs - (9/29/22) bought Torrance Hotel from Mr. and Mrs. B.N. Long

Penix, Max - (3/2/23) with Huston Penix and Ed Kimmons went to El Paso

Penix, Max, Mrs. - (9/22/22) back from visiting Newkirk, OK

Pennington, Joe - (5/11/23) in school play "A Daughter of the Desert"

Pennington, Jones - (9/15/22) has sheep to sell

Perea, Candelario
- (4/28/22) of Cedarvale, witness to Pedro Sanchez y Perez homestead
- (8/25/22, 9/1/22, 9/8/22, 9/15/22, 9/22/22, 9/29/22, 10/6/22) of Cedarvale, witness for Isaias F. Chavez homestead

Perea, Pedro Sanchez y - (5/5/22) homestead originally filed 3/19/19 at Cedarvale, notice, witnessed by
Prospero Trujillo, Candelario Peres, Herculano Chavez y Corrales, all of Cedarvale

Peres, Candelario - (5/5/22) of Cedarvale, witness for Pedro Sanchez y Perea homestead

Perez, Pedro Sanchez y - (4/28/22) Cedarvale homestead originally filed 3/19/19, notice, witnessed by
Prospero Trujillo, Candelario Perea, and Herculano Chavez y Corales

- (1/27/22) Gladys Little sang at PTA meeting; Mrs. F. L. Standhardt played piano at PTA meeting
- (5/12/22) School Play "A Deal in Ducks" performed 5/19/22
- (5/19/22) Sunbeam Band concert
- (9/15/22) Baron Auriemma to sing in Corona; noted Italian singer Baron Auriemma will perform in auditorium to benefit Red Cross
- (9/22/22) Baron Auriemma, Italian singer, gave concert that raised $128.75 for the Salvation Army
- (11/17/22, 11/24/22) Carrizozo Entertainers will appear in school auditorium
- (12/1/22) Thanksgiving program included performances that included Aubrey Thomson, Leola Lovelace,
Clyde McClelen, Mrs. E.H. Sloan, Jr., Marion Cox, Knollan Lovelace, Lena Mae Brooks, Mrs. Frank Standhardt, Alice Atkinson, Eula McAdams, Willie Dae Standhardt, Edna Atkinson, Zelpha Dishman, Mildred Arnold, Edna Varney, Frankie DuBois, Moscow Standhardt, Jack McClelen, Chester Everett, Chancey Thomson, Wayne Sloan, Willis Lovelace, Ruby Killingsworth, Dorothy Arnold, Elsie Davidson, Mrs. W.R. Lovelace, Marion Cox, Zelpha Dishman, E.W. House, Marion Cox
- (12/29/22) Varney school gave a Christmas program
- (5/4/23) Cedarvale school closes May 8, both the high school and lower grades will give a program
- (5/11/23) school program: Leola Lovelace played piano, Ruby Golden and Gamiliel Thomson performed a
readings, Knollin Lovelace and Zelpha Dishman sang songs, and trio of Evelyn Sloan, Blythol Jolly and Frank Everett sang; Corona school play " A Daughter of the Desert" Cast: Frank Everett, Delbert and Blythol Jolly, Joe Pennington, Grady Doty, Thelma DuBois, Birdie Imhoff, Pansy Everett, Aleen Terry, Eual Nelson, Chancey Thomson, Truett Ballard, Allen Davidson, and Jack McClelen
- (5/18/23) Cedarvale school programs will be on Wednesday and Friday
- (6/15/23) Sunday school program will be held

Pfingsten, A.T. - (11/24/22) teacher at White Oaks school

Pharmacies - Davis Drug Store advertised between Jan. 13, 1922 and May 19, 1922

- (1/13/22) Rolland Bros. drugstore at Carrizozo advertised

Phillips, Forrest - (5/19/22) performed with Sunbeam Band

Phillips, Margaret - (5/19/22) performed with Sunbeam Band

- (4/28/22) E. T. Dunlap selling a piano
- (8/11/22) Cleve Brown selling a piano
- (8/18/22) Cleve Brown selling a piano

- (8/25/22) Roy McDonald selling pigs
- (9/1/22) Roy McDonald has pigs for sale

Pine Lodge - (8/25/22) Ray Thomas went to pine lodge with James and Roy Beever

Pinos Wells
- (9/15/22) Post Office discontinued
- (9/29/22) held a fiesta

Pinto beans - See Beans

- (1/27/22) Corona school will perform operetta "Polished Pebbles"
- (1/27/22) Angus school will perform play "A Brave Tom Boy"
- (4/28/22) school presents "A Deal in Ducks"

Polished Pebbles - (1/27/22) operetta will be performed by Corona School

- see also Republicans and Democrats
- (10/13/22) editorial: Women and politics in our estimation mix just about as well as booze and gasoline. Women's place is in the home where she was originally intended to reign supreme, and where she can exert a thousand times more influence for good than she will ever be able to exert in politics.
- (10/20/22) reply by Cedarvale correspondent to editorial: If men had allowed women to reign supreme in the home as intended, she would not care to mix in politics. "Hubby" would have always voted right and son would have been taught that only the best men could hold office of any kind.

Poll taxes
- (2/16/23) W.S. Dishman, clerk, notice that poll taxes are due
- (2/23/23) poll taxes will be collected for the school district

Pond, Ashley - (1/5/23) and a friend flew their airplane to Corona from Santa Fe

Pool Hall - (3/16/23) Roland Sloan sold to Crabtree McAdams

Pool halls
- A. G. Stribling and Latta Brothers both advertised as proprietors of Corona Pool Hall in Jan. 1922. Stribling began advertising again in Oct. until he sold to Roland Sloan, who advertised beginning Jan. 1923. Beginning in Oct. 1922 the pool hall also sold army surplus goods.
- (5/19/22) G.W. Wyatt opened a pool hall in the old Stepp Building
- (10/20/22, 10/27/22, 11/3/22) A. Stribling has army goods at low prices at the pool hall

Pops - (3/16/23) Cleve Brown unearthed three skeletons at Indian ruins near Pops ranch house

Portales - (4/28/22) Rev. L. A. Shockley of Portales Orphans Home visited Corona

Portales Orphans Home - (4/28/22) Rev. L. A. Shockley of Portales Orphans Home visited Corona

Porter, Charlie - (2/2/23) went to Vaughn

Porter, Claude
- (6/1/23, 6/8/23, 6/15/23) witness for Phillip H. Mariner homestead
- (6/8/23, 6/15/23, 7/20/23)witness for Sara E. Ellis homestead

Porter, M. C. - (1/26/23) and wife in from Roy

Porter, Wade C.
- (6/1/23, 6/8/23, 6/15/23) witness for Phillip H. Mariner homestead
- (6/8/23, 6/15/23, 7/20/23) witness for Sara E. Ellis homestead

Post Office
- (1/13/22) Mary C. DuBois appointed postmistress
- (1/27/22) Clara Short appointed postmistress of Gallinas
- (5/19/22) editorial wants to know what became of rural mail routes
- (9/15/22) discontinued in Desco, Lincoln County, and Pinos Wells and Varney in Torrance County
- (12/8/22) window removed and $25 stolen according to postmistress Mary C. DuBois
- (3/30/23) Louis DeWolf Postmaster and U.S. Commissioner at Cedarvale in Corona

Powell, Ace
- (5/12/22) manager of the Jenkins Ranch
- (10/20/22) ranch boss for Jenkins Ranch, was in Corona

Prager, Miller - (4/27/23) of Roswell, Vice President of the Southern Tariff Association was in Corona to organize Lincoln County Tariff Club to "remove tariff question as apolitical issue"

Prairie dogs - (5/19/22) County Agent Hamilton has provided free poisoned grain to kill prairie dogs, available at Hanlon store in Cedarvale, Bond Mercantile in Encino, and the Corona Trading Co.

Prater, Rose
- (1/20/22) played basketball for Corona team
- (5/5/22) and Gladys Walton in Corona

Preachers - see Clergy

Prichard, G. W., Col.
- (10/6/22) in Corona from Santa Fe
- (11/17/22) of Santa Fe was in Corona
- (5/25/23) lawyer of Santa Fe was in Corona

Proctor, W. S., Mrs. - (8/18/22) visited relatives in Amarillo

- (1/13/22)(1/20/22) (1/27/22) Guy Beedle of Progresso, witness to Nestor Clinton Welch homestead
- (11/3/22, 11/17/22, 11/24/22, 12/1/22) Pedro and Remijio Torres of Progresso, witness for Daniel Manzanares homestead
- (5/18/23) there was a singing convention at Cedarvale with participants from Mountainair, East Mesa, Progresso, Corona, Duran, Varney, and Center Valley

- (11/24/22) C.W. Wade and sheriff Ed Harris captured a Buick containing Mexican liquor at Torrance, the driver escaped
- (12/8/22) All cars coming from the south stopped to search for illegal alcohol
- (1/26/23) editorial: The brazenly public manner in which the bootleggers ply their trade in Corona is indeed amazing and the most amazing part of it all is that no effort is made toward stopping the illegal traffic
- (2/9/23) editorial: Corona gets wetter and wetter

- (2/23/23) Editorial: The Gun Toter - He's a menace to any community and almost invariably a coward. There is a law against carrying a six shooter in New Mexico, but in this particular section of the state no attention is paid to it. Quite a few of our "brave" young Americans in this locality seem to be of the opinion that they are real men when they attend local dances with a six shooter in one hip pocket and a bottle of "nubbin juice" in the other. About the best and quickest way of changing their opinions would be the prompt application of as
heavy a fine as the law allows on each and every gun toter brought before the courts and our city officials should be charged to round up the offenders, regardless of rank or station.
- (3/2/23) Deputy Sheriff Roland Sloan tried to arrest a bootlegger at Dad Jolly's Restaurant, but the bootlegger got away in a Hudson automobile. Sloan caught the train and apprehended the car, but not the bootlegger, in Duran. He and Deputy Chancey drove the car to Carrizozo
- (3/23/23) car wreck on Tuesday due to chase of one car by another to get alcohol

Pruitt, Wallace - (11/24/22) and wife, with Mrs. Lon Bregance and son Raymond, and Carl Jones visited Corona from Gran Quivera

PTA - (1/20/22) meeting postponed

Pumpkin Center - (2/2/23) Sunday school was held in home of John Owen of Gillo Canyon, 37 were present, many from Pumpkin Center. Next meeting at George Latta's

Purdee, Lee - (8/18/22) cattle buyer from Alamogordo bought 100 calves from H. L. Hancock


Quillen (Mr.) - (1/20/22) attended Husie Cosby's party

Quilting - (2/2/23) Mrs. Hugh Neilson held a quilting bee